See final Chautauqua

February 4th, 2010
      Today was our first day in Mrs. Bradshaw's class. We watched a demonstration of a Chautauqua as  Frances performed Beatrice; her black, male cat. The presentation was wrapped up with a slideshow of pictures all starring Beatrice whom truely loves his catnip. I was very leary about this performance but if animals are allowed I feel I may be able to come up with a Chatauqua. 


February 11th, 2010 
     As we UNM Coaches met with our students for the first time, I was thinking the entire time of who I could possibly play. I am not sure I have enough character and cockiness to portray my father, I am not sure I'm stubborn enough to do my grandfather. It wasn't until our class at the Native American Center that Frances mentioned using an active inanimate object for our Chautauqua. This suggestion instantly brought my Toyota Yaris to mind, the most used object in my posession. I am also considering using my cat Rain or my dog Jaden.


February 18th, 2010
     The homework given to us was to come up with a web of several characters for our Chautauqua. My web consists of five possibilities:

February 4th, 2010

Today I have narrowed my character options down to three. I have decided the best possible characters for me to portray are "Meep Meep", Jaden and Rainy. I do not feelI could portray my grandmother in a way that would do her any honour, and I feel I do not know Audri's manerisms enough for me to portray her since I do not live with her and only see her on occasion. Rainy and Jaden I have known their entire lives and interact with them frequently. "Meep Meep" I drive on a daily basis. With more thought I will narrow my options further, but for now one of these three will be my chautauqua.


March 4th, 2010
After much consideration I have at last decided which of my group of characters will be in the limelight, and that is "Meep Meep" the bright red Toyota yaris. I have chosen this character based on the idea that few would apply human characteristics and/or a human personality to their vehical. I will now begin mapping out more exact ideas on what to do with this character.


March 11th, 2010
I have developed a very basic rough draft for Meep Meep, which is added below.


Meep Meep

Hello, my name is Meep Meep the Toyota Yaris. It’s a really weird name, I know; but it was given to me by a really weird guy so in a weird way it makes sense. You see, there’s this college kid name Brittany Litke and her original car died leaving her with no transportation. That’s when her and her father started looking for a new car, and they found me.

I was the perfect car for that college girl according to her father. I’m small, I can drive a long time without needing more gas, and Toyota’s are pretty safe cars. (Or they used to be. All these car recalls have made the safety issue unclear.)

Anyway! I was the best car for that college girl so her father brought her to the dealership to take me for a test drive. It was a warm June day, and I was soaking up the sunshine when these two walked up with the car key and opened me up. I can remember the college girl’s questions she kept asking her dad- “What’s that 93 number on the dash?”. She had never driven a car young as I was apparently. I slid in out of traffic, ran down Main Street, pulled into the mall, turned around and then skipped back to the dealership. That girl kept saying how easy I was to drive, that I was quiet. Of course I’m quiet! People make fun of my voice, but I’ll get to that in a second.

Back to that day, I drove around Farmington for about fifteen minutes before the girl decided that I was her car. We drove back and three days later I went to live with my new family. That’s where I got into trouble. I am a very small car. I can pull into spots no other car could fit in, but my petite figure makes it hard for other cars to see. The day I drove her and her father back home this BOHEMTH of a truck didn’t see me and started pulling into my lane-where I was!! That’s when the girl bumped my horn, to warn the truck that I was there.

The second she hit that button I let forth a mighty roar. “MEEP MEEP!”…and that’s why I don’t make much noise. My mighty roar is loud, but high pitched and “cute” sounding. Once the truck pulled into its rightful lane her dad started laughing so hard he shook my entire frame. That’s the day I was named Meep Meep

I did not know how crazy my life was about to become. It turns out the that gas mileage was so important is because  this girl drives ALL the time.